Team: Wind generators and Engineering Team
This team takes mainly into account all aspects related to connecting wind generators to the interconnected system. Aspects bound to the installation of the autonomous wind systems and the engineering, which is associated with them, are also considered.
Team leader(*):
Dr Djohra Saheb Koussa (MRA)
Samir Belarbi (MRB), Souad Rafa (MRB), Mohamed Semmar (CR), Ahmed Boufertella (AR), Abdelhak Djoudi (AR), Saida Makhloufi (AR), Ahmed Rennane (AR)
Abstract: The development of wind energy receives a growing attention from research and development in most of the countries of the world mainly in the industrialized ones. Let us recall that during the last decade Algeria began to be seriously interested in this sector and considers it as a (...)
Abstract: The development of renewable energy sources receives a growing consideration and attention in the field of research and development in most of the countries and more particularly in the industrialized ones. Note that during the last decades Algeria started to effectively look at this (...)