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Contributions scientifiques
Liste des publications indexées, mise à jour le 31/12/2020. 1. Mraoui, A., Khellaf, A. Optimization of the design of hydrogen production systems based on product cost. 2020, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the SME, 2020, 142(4), e041003 2. Mezidi, A., Guerri, O., (...)
Liste mise à jour le 31/12/2019. 1. Boudia, S.M., Santos, J.A. Assessment of large-scale wind resource features in Algeria (2019) Energy, 189, art. no. 116299, . DOI : 10.1016/ 2. Kharchi, R., Imessad, K., Sami, S., Hakem, S., Bouchaib, S., Chenak, A., Hamidat, A., (...)
Liste mise à jour le 20/12/2018. 1- Brahim, B., Optimal capacity of energy storage for dynamic voltage restorer under electrical faults scenarios using SOS optimization algorithm : Case of south Algerian’s electrical autonomous grid application, (2017) Journal of Energy Storage, 14, pp. (...)
Liste mise à jour le 09/07/2017 1. Kherroubi, Z.E.A., Akel, F., Kermadi, M., Berkouk, E.M. Real time implementation of space vector pulse width modulation using Arduino DUE board, (2016) IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), art. no. 7794037, pp. 3576-3581. DOI : (...)
Cherfa, F., Hadj Arab, A., Oussaid, R., Abdeladim, K., Bouchakour, S. Performance analysis of the mini-grid connected photovoltaic system at Algiers (2015) Energy Procedia, 83, pp. 226-236. DOI : 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.12.177 AFFILIATIONS : Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, (...)
Ci-après la liste des contributions scientifiques du CDER indexées en 2014. Plus de détails sur ces contributions sont disponibles sur le rapport sur performances de la recherche et de l’innovation du CDER en 2014. Exporter au format BibTeX Lise mise à jour le 30/01/2016 1. Abbad, B. & (...)
Exporter au format BibTeX Liste mise à jour le 30/01/2016 1. Abbas, M., Belgroun, Z., Aburidah, H. & Merzouk, N. K. Assessment of a solar parabolic trough power plant for electricity generation under Mediterranean and arid climate conditions in Algeria. in Energy Procedia 42, 93–102 (...)
Exporter au format BibTeX 1. Abbas, M. & Merzouk, N. K. Techno economic study of solar thermal power plants for centralized electricity generation in Algeria. in 2nd International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications, EFEA 2012 179–183 (2012). (...)
Exporter au format BibTeX 1. Abbas, M., Boumeddane, B., Said, N. & Chikouche, A. Dish Stirling technology : A 100 MW solar power plant using hydrogen for Algeria. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36, 4305–4314 (2011). 2. Abdelkrim, T., Benamrane, K., Berkouk, E. M. & (...)
Exporter au format BibTeX 1. Abdeladim, K. & Chader, S. Guest editorial. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34, 4917 (2009). 2. Abdeladim, K., Romeo, R. & Magrì, S. Wind mapping of a region in the north-east of Algeria. Renewable Energy 9, 789–793 (1996). 3. Abdelkrim, T., (...)