4AASEF : 4th Asia-Africa Sustainable Energy Forum, 13 & 14 May 2014, Oran, Algeria
Jointly with 6th International Workshop Sahara Solar Breeder Workshop
ORAN - 13 &14 May 2014, ALGERIA
We are pleased to invite you to submit papers and proposals to the 4AASEF 2014, the 4th Asia-Africa Forum on Sustainable Energy, which includes the 6th International Workshop on Sahara Solar Breeder (SSB) and will take place on May 13 & 14, 2014 at the University of Sciences and Technology of Oran- Mohamed Boudiaf (USTO-MB) in Oran, Algeria.
Honorary chair :
- Pr. A. Derdour, the rector of USTO-MB
General Chairs :
- Pr. A. Boudghene Stambouli (USTO-MB)
- Pr. H. Koinuma (University of Tokyo, NIMS, Pusan National University)
- Pr. K. Kurokawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Organising committee :
- Pr. S. Flazi and Pr. S. Hamzaoui, Presidents,
- S. Bettahar, A. Daoud, T. Benmessaoud, M. Adnane, A. Tahri, Z. Khiat
International Advisory board :
- Y. Kitamura (Japan), H. Fujioka (Japan), Y. Furuya (Japan), T. Kawahara (Japan), S.Yamaguchi (Japan), H. Ueno (Japan), M. Sumiya (Japan), K. Kurokawa (Japan), I. Nakai (Japan), K. Itaka (Japan), Y. Kuwano (Japan), K. Kitazawa (Japan), O. Ikki (Japan), H. Komiyama (Japan), Y. Shigehisa (Japan), T. Kishi ( Japan), S. Hannachi (Tunisia), A. Gastli (Qatar), D. Zejli (Morocco), H. Livatyali (Turkey), M. Hamabe (Japan), K. Tsubouchi (Japan), K. Morita (Japan), D. Kumetat (Germany), H. Ben Jemâa (France), M. Emziane (UAE), I. Bedja (KSA), L. Qoaider (Germany/Spain), S. Alamari (KSA), E. Toshan (Syria), E. Kabalci (Turkey), A. Akyyev (Turkmenistan), Gurbanmyrat A. Mezilov (Turkmenistan), S. Charfi-Kaddour (Tunisia), H. Hwang (Taiwan), Krishan Lal (India), Se-Young Jeong (Korea), T.W.Kim (Korea), F.A. Kuznetsov (Russia), O. Badran (Jordan), A. Salaymeh (Jordan), B. Brand (Germany), M. Miled (Tunisia), M. Boumaour (Algeria), N. Yassa (Algeria), A. Zerga (Algeria), I. Saleh (Libya), C. Sidi Ethmane Kane (Mauritania), D. Miyoshi (Japan), V. Kinzig (Germany), C. Perez Montaner (Spain), P. Lambert (France), M. Pérez Donsión (Spain), Huey-Liang (Taiwan),
Forum focal themes : You are invited to submit high-quality papers on the following areas :
- General Issues :
- Energy & Development
- Energy & Sustainability
- Sahara Solar Breeder project for the initiative of Sahara solar plan directed towards global clean
- energy superhighway
- Regional cooperation for sustainable development of energy systems
- Economic and Environmental Issues
- Environment and climate change
- Energy requirements
- Economic development
- Materials for Sustainable Energy
- Solar grade Silicon production
- Photovoltaic cells
- Superconducting DC transmission
Special session and workshop on Sahara Solar Breeder project : A special session is planned as a part of the forum activities that includes : innovative Si technology, energy from the desert and high-temperature superconducting cable technology and development trends.
Plenary Speakers : H. Koinuma, H. Fujioka, Y. Kitamura, Y. Furuya, S. Flazi, S. Yamaguchi, H. Ueno, M. Sumiya, K. Itaka, I. Nakai, M. Emziane, S. Hannachi, A. Gastli, Gurbanmyrat A. Mezilov, S. Charfi-Kaddour, A. Salaymeh, A. Zerga, H. Hwang, F. A. Kuznetsov, I. Saleh, N. Yassa, M. Boumaour, V. Kinzig, C. Sidi Ethmane Kane, H. Ben Jemâa, I. Bedja, L. Qoaider, M. Hamabe, K. Tsubouchi. D. Zejli, B. Brand.
Invited Speakers : (to be confirmed)
Important Dates :
- Early registration deadline, January 02, 2014
- Abstract Submission deadline (extended to the 15/01/2014)
- Notification of Acceptance, within 1-3 weeks after the receipt of abstract Full text submission deadline, January 30, 2014
- Notification of Acceptance, within 1-3 weeks after the receipt of full text
- Final registration deadline, March 01 , 2014
Conference Website : http://#
Registration support : support@univ-usto.dz
Conference venue : Lecture Hall of the University of Sciences & Technology of Oran (USTO-MB) (tentative)
Paper submission : Papers are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the forum. Authors must first register, by filling the registration form, and afterwards submit their paper in a word format (06 pages maximum) to the e-mail address :
4AASEF@ssb-foundation.com or 4AASEF@univ-usto.dz.
Papers should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper. Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which if accepted for publication, must be presented at the conference. All communications during the review process of the paper will be conducted via the above e-mail address. The language of the conference will be English.
Organisers & Partners :
- Electrical & Electronics Engineering Faculty of the University of Sciences & Technology of Oran (USTO-MB)
- Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Oran (LGEO, USTO-MB)
- Laboratory of Electron Microscopy and Materials Sciences (LMESM, USTO-MB)
- University of Saida
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