Contributions scientifiques indexées de l’EPST CDER pour l’année 2020
Liste des publications indexées, mise à jour le 31/12/2020.
1. Mraoui, A., Khellaf, A. Optimization of the design of hydrogen production systems based on product cost. 2020, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the SME, 2020, 142(4), e041003
2. Mezidi, A., Guerri, O., Boudia, S.M., Mohammedi, K. Influence of wind data temporal variation in wind resource assessment. two case studies in the southern part of Algeria. Energy Sources, Part A : Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 2020, 42(2), pp. 161–175
3. Guerri, O., Dali, A., Boudia, S.M., Yassaa, N. Performance evaluation of a wind farm using different power density distributions. Energy Sources, Part A : Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 2020
4. Hazmoune, M., Aour, B., Chesneau, X., ...Hadjiat, M.M., Hamidat, A. Numerical analysis of a solar tower receiver novel design. Sustainability (Switzerland), 2020, 12(17), 6957
5. Salhi, K., Mohamed Ramadan, K., Hadjiat, M.M., Hamidat, A. Energetic and Exergetic Performance of Solar-Assisted Direct Expansion Air-Conditioning System with Low-GWP Refrigerants in Different Climate Locations. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2020, 45(7), pp. 5385–5398
6. Fodhil, F., Hamidat, A., Nadjemi, O., Alliche, Z., Berkani, L. Optimum Design of a Hybrid Photovoltaic/Diesel/Battery/System Using Water Cycle Algorithm. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 102, pp. 82–93
7. Oukaci, S., Hamid, A., Semmar, D., Naimi, A., Sami, S. Improvement of the modern house’s energy efficiency in the region of in saleh. Solutions for Sustainable Development - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Development, ICES2D 2019, 2020, pp. 337–346
8. Hocine, B., Ali, B., Lahcen, B. Situation of livestock insurance in the region of Ghardaia (Algerian Northern Sahara). Agricultural Engineering International : CIGR Journal, 2020, 22(2), pp. 145–150
9. Benseddik, A., Benahmed-Djilali, A., Azzi, A., Lalmi, D., Allaf, K. Effect of drying processes on the final quality of potimarron pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) powders. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2020
10. Benahmed-Djilali, A., Benseddik, A., Hacen, K.,Nabiev, M., Issad, M. Development of a scar removal ointment containing natural active ingredients. Drug Delivery Letters, 2020, 10(4), pp. 326–335
11. Benlahbib, B., Bouarroudj, N., Mekhilef, S., Bouchafaa, F., lakhdari, A. Experimental investigation of power management and control of a PV/wind/fuel cell/battery hybrid energy system microgrid. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(53), pp. 29110–29122
12. Thameur, A., Noureddine, B., Abdelhalim, B., Karima, B., Tarak, B. Particle Swarm Optimization of PI Controllers in Grid-Connected PV Conversion Cascade Based Three Levels NPC Inverter Proceedings - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2020, 2020, 9160704
13. Zaghba, L., Khennane, M., Fezzani, A., Hadj Mahammed, I., Borni, A. A combined theoretical and experimental performance analysis of a grid-tied photovoltaic system in semi-arid climate : a case study in Ghardaia, Algeria. International Journal of Green Energy, 2020, 17(15), pp. 961–978
14. Zaghba, L., Khennane, M., Fezzani, A., Borni, A., Hadj Mahammed, I. Experimental performance assessment of a 2.25 kWp Rooftop PV system installed in the desert environment : a case study of Ghardaia, Algeria. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 2020
15. Boulemtafes-Boukadoum, A., Abid, C., Benzaoui, A. 3D Numerical study of the effect of aspect ratio on mixed convection air flow in upward solar air heater. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2020, 84, 108570
16. Sebaihi, S., Khelfaoui, Y., Bououdina, M., Belabbas, I., Bouhadda, Y. Dependence of NiTi hydride stability by co-substitution by (Zr,Mg) onto Ti and (Cr,Cu) onto Ni : first-principles study. Philosophical Magazine, 2020, 100(19), pp. 2458–2476
17. Bouraiou, A., Necaibia, A., Boutasseta, N., Mostefaoui, M., aba, O. Status of renewable energy potential and utilization in Algeria. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 246, 119011
18. Khelifi, S.A., Blal, M., Boudaoud, L., Slimani, A., Tidjar, B. Quantum efficiency improvement depending on the oxygen doping density, temperature, and layer thicknesses of an intermediate band solar cell based on ZnTe:O : Numerical analysis. Optik, 2020, 224, 165432
19. Touaba, O., Ait Cheikh, M.S., Slimani, M.E.-A., ...Necaibia, A., Harmim, A. Experimental investigation of solar water heater equipped with a solar collector using waste oil as absorber and working fluid. Solar Energy, 2020, 199, pp. 630–644
20. Blal M., Khelifi S., Dabou R., Sahouane N., Slimani A., Rouabhia A., Ziane A., Neçaibia A., Bouraiou A., Tidjar B. A prediction models for estimating global solar radiation and evaluation meteorological effect on solar radiation potential under several weather conditions at the surface of Adrar environment. Measurement : Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2020, 152, 107348
21. Bailek, N., Bouchouicha, K., Hassan, M.A., Slimani, A., Jamil, B. Implicit regression-based correlations to predict the back temperature of PV modules in the arid region of south Algeria. Renewable Energy, 2020, 156, pp. 57–67
22. Slimani, A., Tandjaoui, M.N., Boutadara, A., Adel, M.S., Koussa, K. A PV-active power filter interface scheme for three phase balanced system. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, 2020, 46, pp. 125–145
23. Saihi L., Berbaoui B., Ferroudji F., Bakou Y., Koussa K., Roummani K., Meguelati F., Slimani A., Boutera A.E., Toumi K. Super Twisting High Order Sliding Mode Control of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Direct Attack Based on Doubly Fed Induction Generators. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 102, pp. 184–194
24. Daaou Nedjari, H., Guerri, O., Saighi, M. Full rotor modelling and generalized actuator disc for wind turbine wake investigation. Energy Reports, 2020, 6, pp. 232–255
25. Khirennas, A., Talha, A., Kaabeche, A., Bakelli, Y. Overview of fossil fuel-based hybrid power generation systems within mini-grids – The experience of storage-less PV system integration into three of the Great Algerian South mini-grids. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 221, 113191
26. Saib, S., Gherbi, A., Bayindir, R., Kaabeche, A. Multi-objective Optimization of a Hybrid Renewable Energy System with a Gas Micro-turbine and a Storage Battery. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2020, 45(3), pp. 1553–1566
27. Hazmoune M., Aour B., Chesneau X., Lazaroiu G., Hadjiat M.M., Debbache M., Ciupageanu D.-A. Influence of the geometric and mechanical parameters on the temperature evolution within the tubes of a receiver from a solar power tower. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D : Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 82(1), pp. 163–176
28. Bouhdjar, A., Semai, H., Boukadoum, A., ...Semiani, M., Amari, A. Improved Procedure for Natural Convection Garlic Drying. Acta Technologica Agriculturae, 2020, 23(2), pp. 92–98
29. Takilalte, A., Harrouni, S., Yaiche, M.R., Mora-López, L. New approach to estimate 5-min global solar irradiation data on tilted planes from horizontal measurement. Renewable Energy, 2020, 145, pp. 2477–2488
30. Belaid, A., Filali, A., Gama, A., Arrif, T., Bouakba, M. Design optimization of a solar tower power plant heliostat field by considering different heliostat shapes. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, 44(14), pp. 11524–11541
31. Haidas, M., Dahbi, A., Abdelkhalek, O. The Role of Solar PV Energy in the Arabic Traditional Tent for Raising the Quality of Tourism Services in Taghit City. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 102, pp. 365–371
32. Dahbi A., Boussaid M., Haidas M., Dahbi M., Maouedj R., Abdelkhalek O., Benmedjahed M., Elkaiem L.M., Abdellah L. Sizing of a Solar Parking System Connected to the Grid in Adrar. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 102, pp. 506–514
33. Hatti, M., Denai, M. Introduction to the special section on artificial intelligence in renewable energy (SI-aires). Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2020, 85, 106815
34. Berbaoui, B., Dehini, R., Hatti, M. An applied methodology for optimal sizing and placement of hybrid power source in remote area of South Algeria. Renewable Energy, 2020, 146, pp. 2785–2796
35. Baadj, L., Kouzi, K., Birane, M., Hatti, M. Investigate of Different MPPT Algorithm Based on P&O, INC and Second Order Sliding Mode Control Applied to Photovoltaic System Conversion Under Strong Conditions. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 102, pp. 70–81
36. Benabdellah, A., Debdab, M., Chaker, Y., Fetouhi, B., Hatti, M. Efficiency of Polyaniline/(ZnO, Cds) Junctions Doped by Ionic Liquid in Photovoltaic Properties. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 102, pp. 693–699
37. Hout, S., Salem, Z., Tassalit, D., Aburideh, H., Boukendakji, H. Assessing desalination pretreatment conditions towards pilot scale-up using Box-Behnken experimental design. Water and Environment Journal, 2020
38. Bouakkaz M.S., Boukadoum A., Boudebbouz O., Fergani N., Boutasseta N., Attoui I., Bouraiou A., Necaibia A. Dynamic performance evaluation and improvement of PV energy generation systems using Moth Flame Optimization with combined fractional order PID and sliding mode controller. Solar Energy, 2020, 199, pp. 411–424
39. Attoui I., Oudjani B., Boutasseta N., Fergani N., Bouakkaz M.-S., Bouraiou A. Novel predictive features using a wrapper model for rolling bearing fault diagnosis based on vibration signal analysis. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 106(7-8), pp. 3409–3435
40. Bouhallassa, A., Benattalah, S. The numerical investigation on the relationship between hydrodynamic and mass transfer gas liquid of Dimutriscu-Taylor bubble in a small diameter pipe. Experimental validation. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 2020, 13(3), pp. 646–654
41. Vamvakas, I., Salamalikis, V., Benitez, D., Bouaichaoui, S., Guizani, A., Kazantzidis, A. Estimation of global horizontal irradiance using satellite-derived data across Middle East-North Africa : The role of aerosol optical properties and site-adaptation methodologies. Renewable Energy, 2020, 157, pp. 312–331
42. Del Campo-Ávila, J., Takilalte, A., Bifet, A., Mora-López, L. Binding data mining and expert knowledge for one-day-ahead prediction of hourly global solar radiation Expert Systems with Applications, 2020, 114147
43. Assem, H., Azib, T., Bouchafaa, F., Hadj Arab, A., Laarouci, C. Limits control and energy saturation management for DC bus regulation in photovoltaic systems with battery storage. Solar Energy, 2020, 211, pp. 1301–1310
44. Abdeladim, K., Razagui, A., Semaoui, S., Hadj Arab, A. Updating Algerian solar atlas using MEERA-2 data source. Energy Reports, 2020, 6, pp. 281–287
45. Razagui, A., Abdeladim, K., Semaoui, S., Hadj Arab, A., Boulahchiche, S. Modeling the forecasted power of a photovoltaic generator using numerical weather prediction and radiative transfer models coupled with a behavioral electrical model. Energy Reports, 2020, 6, pp. 57–62
46. Hadj Arab A., Taghezouit B., Abdeladim K., Semaoui S., Razagui A., Gherbi A., Boulahchiche S., Hadj Mahammed I. Maximum power output performance modeling of solar photovoltaic modules. Energy Reports, 2020, 6, pp. 680–686
47. Lasmari, A., Zellagui, M., Chenni, R., Semaoui, S.El-Bayeh, C.Z., Hassan, H.A. Optimal energy management system for distribution systems using simultaneous integration of pv-based dg and dstatcom units | Skirstomųjų tinklų optimaliam energijos valdymui sistema su saulės moduliais ir dstatcom technologija Energetika, 2020, 66(1), pp. 1–14
48. Bouacha S., Malek A., Benkraouda O., Arab A.H., Razagui A., Boulahchiche S., Semaoui S. Performance analysis of the first photovoltaic grid-connected system in Algeria. Energy for Sustainable Development, 2020, 57, pp. 1–11
49. Bouchouicha, K., Bailek, N., Razagui, A., Bellaoui, M., Bachari, N.E.I. Comparison of artificial intelligence and empirical models for energy production estimation of 20 MWp solar photovoltaic plant at the Saharan Medium of Algeria. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 2020
50. Oulimar, I., Benatiallah, A., Bouchouicha, K. Validation Modeles and Simulation of Global Horizontal Solar Flux as a Function of Sunshine Duality in Southern Algeria (Adrar). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 102, pp. 204–211
51. Bellaoui, M., Bouchouicha, K., Oulimar, B. Daily Global Solar Radiation Based on MODIS Products : The Case Study of ADRAR Region (Algeria). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 102, pp. 157–163
52. Bouchouicha, K., Bailek, N., Bellaoui, M., Oulimar, B. Estimation of Solar Power Output Using ANN Model : A Case Study of a 20-MW Solar PV Plan at Adrar, Algeria. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 102, pp. 195–203
53. Babahadj, A., Rahmani, L., Bouchouicha, K., Necaibia, A., Mebrouk, B. ANFIS Technique to Estimate Daily Global Solar Radiation by Day in Southern Algeria. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 102, pp. 41–50
54. Ounnar, A., Bouzaza, A., Favier, L., Bentahar, F. Photocatalytic degradation efficiency of hazardous macrolide compounds using an external UV-light irradiation slurry reactor. Water Science and Technology, 2020, 82(4), pp. 695–703
55. Benhabylès, L., Djebbar, R., Miard, F., Morabito, D., Bourgerie, S. Biochar and compost effects on the remediative capacities of Oxalis pes-caprae L. growing on mining technosol polluted by Pb and As Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(24), pp. 30133–30144
56. Sadi, M., Zeboudj, S., Azri, Y.M., Tou, I. D-Limonene as a green solvent to regenerate granular-activated carbon saturated with phenol. Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia), 2020, 55(10), pp. 1776–1785
57. Tou I., Azri Y., Sadi M., Zitouni D., Merad A.S., Laichouchi A., Drouiche N., Lounici H., Gana-Kebbouche S. Chlorophytum rhizosphere, a suitable environment for electroactive biofilm development. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2020
58. Oucher, N., Kerbachi, R., Passerini, G., Carletti, S., Yassaa, N. Ozone photochemical pollution over the north of Algeria : Cartography and modelling. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 2020, 244, pp. 125–136
59. Lemou A., Rabhi L., Merabet H., Ladji R., Nicolas J.B., Bonnaire N., Mustapha M.A., Dilmi R., Sciare J., Mihalopoulos N., Yassaa N. Chemical characterization of fine particles (PM2.5) at a coastal site in the South Western Mediterranean during the ChArMex experiment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(16), pp. 20427–20445
60. Ibrir, A., Kerchich, Y., Hadidi, N., Merabet, H., Hentabli, M. Prediction of the concentrations of PM1, PM2.5, PM4, and PM10 by using the hybrid dragonfly-SVM algorithm. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 2020
61. Danane, F., Boudiaf, A., Mahfoud, O., Labsi, N., Benkahla, Y.K. Effect of backward facing step shape on 3D mixed convection of Bingham fluid. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 147, 106116
62. Namane, A., Amrouche, F., Arrar, J., Ali, O., Hellal, A. Bacterial behaviour in the biodegradation of phenol by indigenous bacteria immobilized in Ca-alginate beads. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 2020, 41(14), pp. 1829–1836
63. Boukerdja M., Chouder A., Hassaine L., Bouamama B.O., Issa W., Louassaa K. H∞ based control of a DC/DC buck converter feeding a constant power load in uncertain DC microgrid system. ISA Transactions, 2020, 105, pp. 278–295
64. Abadlia, I., Hassaine, L., Beddar, A., Abdoune, F., Bengourina, M.R. Adaptive fuzzy control with an optimization by using genetic algorithms for grid connected a hybrid photovoltaic–hydrogen generation system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(43), pp. 22589–22599
65. Hassaine, L., Bengourina, M.R. Control technique for single-phase inverter photovoltaic system connected to the grid. Energy Reports, 2020, 6, pp. 200–208
66. Hassaine, L., Bengourina, M.R. Design and control technique for single-phase bipolar H-bridge inverter connected to the grid. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2020, 10(3), pp. 3057–3065
67. Aouchiche, N. Meta-heuristic optimization algorithms based direct current and DC link voltage controllers for three-phase grid connected photovoltaic inverter. Solar Energy, 2020, 207, pp. 683–692
68. Taghezouit, B., Harrou, F., Sun, Y., Arab, A.H., Larbes, C. Multivariate statistical monitoring of photovoltaic plant operation. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 205, 112317
69. Abdelmalek, S., Dali, A., Bakdi, A., Bettayeb, M. Design and experimental implementation of a new robust observer-based nonlinear controller for DC-DC buck converters. Energy, 2020, 213, 118816
70. Abdelmalek, S., Dali, A., Bettayeb, M., Bakdi, A. A new effective robust nonlinear controller based on PSO for interleaved DC–DC boost converters for fuel cell voltage regulation. Soft Computing, 2020, 24(22), pp. 17051–17064
71. D. Shahparasti, M., Bouchakour, S., Luna, A, Molognoni D., Bosch-Jimenez, P., Borràs, E. Simplified modelling of nonlinear electromethanogenesis stack for power-to-gas applications. Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, 31, 101633
72. Bouchakour, S., Caballero, D.V., Luna, A., Medina, E.R., Boudjelthia, E.A.K., Cortes, P.R. Monitoring, modelling and simulation of bifacial PV modules over normal and high albedos. 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2020, 2020, pp. 252–256, 9242869
73. Djebli, A., Hanini, S., Badaoui, O., Haddad, B., Benhamou, A. Modeling and comparative analysis of solar drying behavior of potatoes. Renewable Energy, 2020, 145, pp. 1494–1506
74. Boudjella, F.Z., Boukli Hacène, F., Bouchakour, A., Brahami, M., Ould-Abdeslam, D. Simulation and realisation of a three-phase inverter controlled through sinus triangle and space vector pulse width modulation for photovoltaic systems. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2020
75. Saba, D., Sahli, Y., Berbaoui, B., Maouedj, R. Towards Smart Cities : Challenges, Components, and Architectures. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2020, 846, pp. 249–286
76. Maouedj, R., Youcef, A. Impact of twisted fins on the overall performances of a rectangular-channel air-heat exchanger. Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems, 2020, 7(3), pp. 335–344
77. Zidani, C., Maouedj, R., Salmi, M. Numerical simulation of water as base fluid dispersed by Al2O3 aluminum oxide nano-sized solid particles with various concentrations. Annales de Chimie : Science des Materiaux, 2020, 44(4), pp. 231–238
78. Touahri, T., Laribi, S., Maouedj, R., Ghaitaoui, T. Feasibility Analysis of a Solar PV Grid-Connected System Using PVsyt Software Tools. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020, 102, pp. 425–433
79. Arama, F.Z., Mammar, K., Laribi, S., Necaibia, A., Ghaitaoui, T. Implementation of sensor based on neural networks technique to predict the PEM fuel cell hydration state. Journal of Energy storage, 2020, 27, 101051
80. Guermoui, M., Melgani, F., Gairaa, K., Mekhalfi, M.L. A comprehensive review of hybrid models for solar radiation forecasting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 258, 120357
81. Guermoui, M., Abdelaziz, R., Gairaa, K., Djemoui, L., Benkaciali, S. New temperature-based predicting model for global solar radiation using support vector regression. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2020
82. Boulmaiz, T., Guermoui, M., Boutaghane, H. Impact of training data size on the LSTM performances for rainfall–runoff modeling. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2020, 6(4), pp. 2153–2164
83. Guermoui, M., Rabehi, A. Soft computing for solar radiation potential assessment in Algeria. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2020, 41(13), pp. 1524–1533
84. Rabehi, A., Guermoui, M., Khelifi, R., Mekhalfi, M.L. Decomposing global solar radiation into its diffuse and direct normal radiation. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2020, 41(7), pp. 738–743
85. Khelifi, R., Guermoui, M., Rabehi, A., Lalmi, D. Multi-step-ahead forecasting of daily solar radiation components in the Saharan climate . International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2020, 41(6), pp. 707–715
86. Guermoui, M., Boland, J., Rabehi, A. On the use of BRL model for daily and hourly solar radiation components assessment in a semiarid climate. European Physical Journal Plus, 2020, 135(2), 214
87. Rabehi, A., Guermoui, M., Lalmi, D. Hybrid models for global solar radiation prediction : a case study. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2020, 41(1), pp. 31–40.
88. Amroune, A., Mihoub, R., Enrico, G., Carlos, U.-N. Groundwater flow dynamics and distribution of hydrochemical facies using GIS in Hodna Plain, M’Sila, Southeastern Algeria. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2020, 15(6), pp. 789–800
89. Djeffal, R., El Amine Bekkouche, S.M., Samai, M., Mihoub, R., Benkhelifa, A. Effect of phase change material eutectic plates on the electric consumption of a designed refrigeration system. Instrumentation Mesure Metrologie, 2020, 19(1), pp. 1–8
90. Cherier M.K., Bekkouche S.M.E.A., Benouaz T., Belaid S., Hamdani M., Benamrane N. Energy efficiency and supplement interior comfort with passive solar heating in Saharan climate. Advances in Building Energy Research, 2020, 14(1), pp. 94–114
91. Bouzidi, B., Campana, P.E. Optimization of photovoltaic water pumping systems for date palm irrigation in the Saharan regions of Algeria : increasing economic viability with multiple-crop irrigation Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2020
92. Cheikh, R., Menacer, A., Chrifi-Alaoui, L., Drid, S. Robust nonlinear control via feedback linearization and Lyapunov theory for permanent magnet synchronous generator- based wind energy conversion system. Frontiers in Energy, 2020, 14(1), pp. 180–191
93. Mouheb, M., Malek, A., Loukarfi, L. Contribution of solar energy for the correction of the voltage drop recorded on a LV power grid in Algeria. Energy Sources, Part A : Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 2020, 42(20), pp. 2485–2500
94. Bendaoud, B., Malek, A., Loukarfi, L., Maammeur, H. Conceptual study of photovoltaic power plant connected to the urban electrical network in northern Algeria. Energy Sources, Part A : Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 2020
95. Boumaaraf, B., Touafek, K., Ait-cheikh, M.S., Slimani, M.E.A. Comparison of electrical and thermal performance evaluation of a classical PV generator and a water glazed hybrid photovoltaic–thermal collector. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2020, 167, pp. 176–193
96. Boumaaraf B., Boumaaraf H., Slimani M.E.-A., Tchoketch_Kebir S., Ait-cheikh M.S., Touafek K. Performance evaluation of a locally modified PV module to a PV/T solar collector under climatic conditions of semi-arid region. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2020, 167, pp. 135–154
97. Slimani, M.E.-A., Sellami, R., Said, M., Boumaaraf, B. Numerical simulation of a combined solar PV/Thermal device with two mechanical pre-control systems. CCSSP 2020 - 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, pp. 411–416, 9151476
98. Chekired F., Houtti S., Bouroussis C.A., Rahmani A., Tilmatine A., Canale L. Low Cost Automation System for Smart Houses based on PIC Microcontrollers. Proceedings - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2020, 2020, 9160808
99. Tadjer, S.A., Idir, A., Chekired, F. Comparative performance evaluation of four photovoltaic technologies in Saharan climates of Algeria : Ghardaïa pilot station. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2020, 18(2), pp. 586–598
100. Mohammedi, A., Sahli, Y., Moussa, H.B. Optimization study of the produced electric power by planar PEMFC-SCG. Renewable Energy Focus, 2020, 35, pp. 72–83
101. Mohammedi, A., Sahli, Y., Ben Moussa, H. 3D investigation of the channel cross-section configuration effect on the power delivered by PEMFCs with straight channels. Fuel, 2020, 263, 116713
102. Abdallah, M., Hocine, B.M., Monsaf, T., Youcef, S. Numerical investigation of the effects of channel cross section shape on the tubular PEMFC performance. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 2020, 66(1), pp. 84–103
103. Kaidi, K., Moghrani, H., Djaafri, M., Kalloum, S., Taleb Ahmed, M. Valorization study of the organic waste resulting from the tomato canning by methanisation. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B : Chemistry and Materials Science, 2020, 82(2), pp. 95–108
104. Youcefi, M.R., Hadjadj, A., Bentriou, A., Boukredera, F.S. Rate of penetration modeling using hybridization extreme learning machine and whale optimization algorithm. Earth Science Informatics, 2020, 13(4), pp. 1351–1368
105. Bekraoui, A., Hadjadj, A. Thermal flow sensor used for thermal mass flowmeter. Microelectronics Journal, 2020, 103, 104871
106. Zaiani, M., Djafer, D., Chouireb, F., Irbah, A., Hamidia, M. New method for clear day selection based on normalized least mean square algorithm .Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020, 139(3-4), pp. 1505–1512
107. Belaid, S., Mellit, A., Boualit, H., Zaiani, M. Hourly global solar forecasting models based on a supervised machine learning algorithm and time series principle. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2020
108. Tizzaoui M., Soualmi H., Allaoui M., Mansouri A., Saadi Z., Menacer D., Chadli S.M. Solar PV power driven cold room storage for Saharan rural area. E3S Web of Conferences, 2020, 152, 01004
109. Benzetta, A.E.H., Abderrezek, M., Djeghlal, M.E. A comparative study on generation and recombination process of kesterite CZTS based thin film solar cells for different designs. Optik, 2020, 219, 165300
110. Benzetta, A.E., Abderrezek, M., Djeghlal, M.E. Comparative study on Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 based thin film solar cell performances by adding various back surface field (BSF) layers. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2020, 63, pp. 231–239
111. Fares, D., Fathi, M., Mekhilef, S. Comparison of Two Hybrid Global Maximum Power Point Algorithms for Photovoltaic Module under Both Uniform and Partial Shading Condition. 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering, ICECCE 2020, 2020, 9179426
112. Loumani, A., Larbi, A.A., Mediani, A., Djaber, A., Bekada, A.M.A. Experimental Measurement of Isothermal Sorption, Microbiological and Physicochemical Analysis of Dried Tomatoes Cultivated in Adrar, Algeria. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics, 2020, 15(5), pp. 721–728
113. Benabderrahmane F., Draoui B., Douha M., Kaid N., Merabti A., Sahli A., Moungar H. The lattice Boltzmann method use to simulate natural convection in a single-chapel greenhouse. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics, 2020, 15(4), pp. 499–505
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