Participation of CDER in the Technical Days on Energy Efficiency in the Building, December 17 and 18, 2018.
Following the agreement signed between the CDER and the National Polytechnic School of Constantine (ENPC) within the framework of the project aiming at the construction of a positive energy building, two Technical Days on Energy Efficiency in the Building were organized at the level of the University of Constantine. The project consists in constructing a building in R + 1 to house a class of 100 m2 of surface. The building is constructed by integrating passive and active architectural techniques and must allow self-satisfaction in terms of energy consumption.
The day saw the presence of the authorities of the wilaya, the order of architects, economic actors, teachers and students. After the opening word, Dr. Khaled Imessad, Director of the Solar Thermal and Thermodynamics and Geothermal Energy Division of CDER presented the first plenary conference on the national strategy for energy efficiency.
The day was an opportunity to bring together the different actors involved in the project (ENPC, CDER, APRUE, CNERIB, R20, Construction 21) and to take stock of the progress of the project. The architectural plans of the building are finalized, the studies of simulation of the thermal behavior of the building are started. For the production part, the day was an opportunity to solicit private companies to participate in the financing of the project.
In the same section
Sunday, November 15th, 2015
The Applied Research on Renewable Energies Unit (URAER) of Ghardaïa organized on October 12th to 15th, 2014, the 3rd edition of the international seminar on new and renewable energies.