Conference-Debate: Climate Change: from science to geostrategic issues. Case of Algeria led by the Director of CDER at the University of Constantine 1.
As part of the Scientific Evenings organized by the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT), Qaâda Science, the Director of the CDER Pr Noureddine Yassaa hosted on Thursday December 6, 2018, 7 to 9:30 p.m., at the University of Constantine 1 Frères Mentouri, a Conference-Debate around Climate Change: from Science to Geostrategic Issues. Case of Algeria. Below are its main recommendations for developing Climate Science in Algeria:
1- Develop research programs in climate science in the following areas: physical bases of the climate (experimental studies, measurements and observations, modeling and projections in the short, medium and long terms); studies of socio-economic accounting scenarios with the commitments of Algeria under the Paris Agreement; assessment of the impacts and risks associated with climate change and mapping the vulnerability of the territories; adaptation measures and resilience capacities; assessment of inventories of greenhouse gas emissions in Algeria and developing / adapting technological solutions to reduce their emissions in the various sectors (energy, transport, housing, industry, ...) development of renewable energies, energy efficiency and new climate engineering solutions (carbon capture and storage, etc.);
2- Develop training offers in climate science in our universities, in the license, master and doctorate levels;
3- Improve the visibility of our research internationally by encouraging the search for excellence and the publication of results in internationally renowned journals and indexed in the Web of Science database;
4- Contribute to the production of international recognition by emphasizing national, sub-regional and regional "down-scaling";
5- Strengthen regional, sub-regional and international cooperation and connect our laboratories and researchers to international networks;
6- Develop strategies (e.g. training) allowing our research institutions to benefit from international aid and funding for capacity building, transfer of knowledge, know-how and technologies, and sharing of experiences and good practices;
7- Encourage the participation of our researchers in major forums, conferences and conferences of the parties (COP), ...
8- Encourage our researchers and experts to sit on international bodies dealing with the issue of climate change;
9- Encourage our researchers to participate in IPCC activities: Lead Author, Coordinator Lead Author, Contributor, Review Editor, Chapter scientist, Review Expert, Scoping Meetings, ....
10- Create a Group of Algerian experts on climate change, a kind of IPCC-Algeria, to regularly assess the state of knowledge on the physical bases of climate change risks due to human influence, its potential impacts , and adaptation and mitigation options.
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Sunday, November 15th, 2015
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