Installation of the new Secretary General of EPST CDER
The Director of EPST CDER, Pr Noureddine YASSAA proceeded on Tuesday 04 December 2018 to the installation of Mr. Radhouane SAHRAOUI as Secretary General of the EPST CDER, in replacement of Mr. Aissa MOUMENE called to the post of chief of staff of the delegated wilaya of El Harrach.
The installation ceremony was organized in the presence of the Deputy Director, Unit Directors, Division Directors, Heads of Departments, the President of the SC, senior government administration officials and the social partners.
In the same section
Sunday, November 15th, 2015
The Applied Research on Renewable Energies Unit (URAER) of Ghardaïa organized on October 12th to 15th, 2014, the 3rd edition of the international seminar on new and renewable energies.