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The union section of the Renewable Energy Development Center is organizing a historic symposium on Monday, October 29, 2018 at the CDER Virtual Library
The union section of the Renewable Energy Development Center is organizing a historic symposium on Monday, October 29, 2018 at the CDER Virtual Library
In commemoration of the glorious revolution of November 1, 1954, the union section of the Renewable Energy Development Center is organizing a historic symposium on Monday October 29, 2018 at the CDER Virtual Library at 10 a.m. under the title: Specificities and characteristics of the Algerian revolution .
The conference will be animated by Dr. Slih Kamel, Lecturer in History.
In the same section
Sunday, November 15th, 2015
The Applied Research on Renewable Energies Unit (URAER) of Ghardaïa organized on October 12th to 15th, 2014, the 3rd edition of the international seminar on new and renewable energies.