Home > COMMUNICATION > Tendering > Restricted Consultation Notice N ° 10/2018 relating to "Acquisition of installation and commissioning of central heating for the administrative block, virtual library and open space"

Restricted Consultation Notice N ° 10/2018 relating to "Acquisition of installation and commissioning of central heating for the administrative block, virtual library and open space"


Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Renewable Energy Development Center

NIF N ° 408020001100031


The Renewable Energies Development Center Launches a restricted call for consultation for:

Acquisition installation and commissioning of a central heating for the administrative block, the virtual library and the open space

Interested bidders are requested to report to the CDER, Road of Observatory BP 62 Bouzreah, secretarial office for public contracts. The deadline and time for submission of tenders is 20/06/2018, no later than 12 noon.

If this day coincides with a public holiday or a day of legal rest, the submission of offers is extended until the next working day.

A site visit is necessary before the submission of tenders.

The offer will be submitted to the Public Procurement Commission Secretariat of the CDER Renewable Energy Development Center, Road of Observatory, Bouzareah Algiers.

The Director of CDER

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