Steering Committee

Ouahiba Guerri

Kamel Abdeladim

Yahia Bakelli

Mohammed Bouchelouh

Sidi Mohammed Boudia

Hafida Daaou Nedjari

Said Diaf

Abdelhamid Kaabeche

Sabéha Kheder Haddouche

Saida Makhloufi

Kheira Nouacer

Djohra Saheb Koussa

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  • Wind energy is one of the most competitive renewable energies. As a result, global installed capacity is constantly evolving and reached more than 510 GW in June 2017. In Algeria, at the present time, there is only one wind farm with 10 MW of installed capacity. However, in the Renewable Energy (...)
  • Full Paper Submission: 15 July 2018 Acceptance notification: 15 August 2018 Camera-ready submission: 30 September 2018 Registration: 30 September 2018
  • Topics of interest for submission include: T1-Wind resource assessment and wind farm performance. T2-Wind power integration into grid and smart grids. T3-Wind energy forecasting. T4-Energy Storage Technologies. T5-Wind turbine aerodynamics and technology developments. T6-Hybrid (...)
  • Authors should submit their paper in English formatted according to IEEE template (available on the conference website) and limited to six (06) pages. All papers must be submitted via the Easychair electronic submission system available here: In case of difficulties when using the Easychair (...)
  • The Renewable Energy Development Center has just set the venue for the conference "International Conference on Wind Energy and Applications in Algeria" which will take place on November 6 and 7, 2018. It is the National Library of El Hamma, Algiers that will host this great international (...)
  • Scientific Committee Honorary General Chair Prof. Noureddine Yassaa, Director of CDER, Algeria General Chair: Dr. Ouahiba Guerri, CDER, Algeria Members: Mr. Kamel Abdeladim, CDER, Algeria Dr. Khaled Ameur, NRCAN-RNCAN, Res. Nat. Canada Prof. Sandrine Aubrun, Centrale Nantes, France (...)
  • IEEE Member Non-member IEE National researcher and academic participants 10 000 DA 12 000 DA National students 5 000 DA 6 000 DA National industrial participants 15 000 DA 18 000 DA Maghreb participants 200 Euros 200 Euros Maghreb students 150 (...)
  • Christian Masson is a professor at the mechanical engineering department of the École de technologie supérieure. He is the director of the Research Laboratory on the Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines in Nordic Environment. He holds a Ph.D. diploma from McGill University and Master and Bachelor (...)