CDER at the Research and Innovation for Agricultural and Aquaculture Development Days.
The Department of Higher Education and Scientific Research organized along with Agriculture and Fishing Department two study days on the theme « Research and innovation for agricultural and aquaculture development », the 20 and 21 January 2016 at palais de la culture, Moufdi Zakaria, Algiers.
These two days meeting provided to participants an emphazis on the necessity to promote the competitivity of technological partnerships leading to innovation in agrofood companies, take technological challenges to which industries are faced through implementing a technological platform, as well as solutions to generate socio-economic impacts at a local scale, through partnerships between universities-EPST-PME-PMI-TPE, public and private agro-industry.
This motion is aiming to emerging an agro-industry obviously to replace imported agro-products with the local production, improve products quality, enhance the national economic integration and increase the production capacity rate of the national agriculture and aquaculture base and indentify new investment opportunities in Start-ups, business seeds partners, incubation facilities too, ending on competences and competitivity clusters settlement in the field of agriculture, more particularly aquaculture and agrofood.
In addition of the meeting, stands were placed for research facilities, universities, laboratories and project holders which might interest and reinforce the partnership with the socio-economic sector.
CDER and its units participated in this event with an exhibition stand through which activities of the EPST in the field of renewable energy and which are directly related to agriculture and aquaculture and sustainbale development were presented.
Indeed, CDER exposed a 3 in 1 prototype combining 3 actions simultaneously, providing an energy autonomy, water access and environment protection by using clean and renewable energy which is the solar energy.
Kaddour Hakima, Scientific and Technological Information Officer, CDER
In the same section
Sunday, November 15th, 2015
The Applied Research on Renewable Energies Unit (URAER) of Ghardaïa organized on October 12th to 15th, 2014, the 3rd edition of the international seminar on new and renewable energies.