National Conference of Universities enlarged to the socio-economic sector and dedicated to the appraisal of the implementation of the LMD system
CDER, took part, 12 and 13 January 2015 at Palais des Nations in Algiers, to works of the national conference of universities enlarged to the socio-economic sector dedicated to the appraisal of the implementation of the LMD system.
MESRS communiqué : Pr. Hadjar chairs the national conference of universities enlarged to the socio-economic sector and dedicated to the appraisal of the implementation of the LMD system at palais des Nations.
Pr. Tahar Hadjar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research chaired durint the 12th and 13th of January 2016 at palais des Nations (Club des Pins), the national conference of universities works enlarged to the socio-economic sectro and dedicated for the appraisal of the LMD system, in presence of a number of members of the gorvernment and of more than 900 participants.
During the opening of the conference works, Tahar H adjar pointed out that that system « is not to be questioned », and noticed that the objective of this conference is to assess in order to « correct » the approach by introducing recommendations for the coming academic year.
He also noted that the frequent use of LMD evaluation « is not the Algerian university characteristic » but it is a common practice for all universities operating with this system. Recalling that the LMD system has been first deployed in ten pilot institutions before including all universities of the country. The Minister informed that the total number of LMD delivered degrees are around 1.015.400.
According to Mr. Hadjar, the new orientation law on sceintific resear and technological development provided bridges laws for university–Economic sector alignment.
The conference works provided also and opportunity for the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to address clear messages to different actors of the academic stage. For the Minister, educational system must go through « effectiveness », then « adaptation » and finally « quality », considering that « dynamizing the university reform requires reinforcing the professional dimension of university programmes, within a framework guiding the realtionship Unievrsity-Business, in a way that makes all graduates more operational ».
Mr. Hadjar expressed, by the same occasion, his « conviction » that the entire university refrom process is « first of all a society process before being a technical and procedures process, acknowledging that university is a teaching, research and training platform for human resources ». To do so, the Minister pointed out the importance of involving economic sector profesionnals in designing training offers and their supervision, as well as consolidating dialog and communication means between the two entities.
The Minister expressed his « determination » to settle a work group in charge of supervising the execution of recommendations produced during the National Conference for the appraisal of the LMD system, enlarged to socio-economic partners. The work group will understand academic and scientific partners, social partners and representative of the socio-economic world, following a schedule that will take into account recommendations that could be reached in short, medium and long term.
Mr. Hadjar promised to write down the major part of recommendations in the action plan of the sector so as in the central administartion and universities. More than 900 partcipants intended the meeting organised into four workshops : improve the quality of higher education, the relation University-economic sector, « Governance» and « Student life ».
At the end of the National Conference for LMD Appraisal (Licence, Master, Doctorat), 13 January 2016, the participants recommended to update universities’ programmes. They also formulated a sery of recommendations aiming to improve the output of the LMD system. In that context, the « Improve the quality of higher education » workshop particpants suggested to redefine requirments for moving from a stage to another, reduce the number of Master options, and apply a standarized Doctorat accross the country.
Cencerning the contest to enter PhD courses, participants suggested to take into account only the results obtained during the contest and not results of the four years Master. Participants to the workshop : « University-economic sector relationship » suggested, for their part, give to economic actor more importance in scientific councils, as well as strentghening the communication bridges berween universities and businesses, particularly by organizing conferences involving the two parts.
Besides, lecturers and exectives having took aprt to the « Gorvernance » workshop recommended the upgrade universities’ administrations, according to the principle « Establishment project », by favoring the in-service training of employees.
Workshop on « Student life » proposed to set a common map through which the student can benefit from the various academic services.
During a press conference hold at the end of the national conference for the appraisal of the LMD system (Licence-Master-Doctorat), Mr. Hadjar noticed that it has been decided during the last governmental meeting, to provide all Baccalauréat candidats with biometric ID cards starting from next week’.
The Minister asserted that a work group will be settled next week between his department and the ministry of interior affairs to « develop » applications on this card, which in addition of basic services of national identity, will serve as a student card provising the access to divers academic services such as universities’ services.
The Minister has also invited participants to the conference, to produce « constructive propositions » able to catch up « unsufficiencies » registered in universities’ services. Furthermore, Mr. Hadjar argues for a « redynamization » of sport activities within universities and campuse, calling back that « University sport has been in the past a provider of high athletes in various disciplines ».
In his opening speech, the Minister has announced that during the current year, a national conference on universities’ services and a meeting on scientific research are scheduled.
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