Home > R&D > R&D Structures > Wind Energy Division > Team: Wind generators and Engineering Team > Project: Theoretical and experimental investigation on an autonomous wind system dedicated for various applications : pumping system and household system

Project: Theoretical and experimental investigation on an autonomous wind system dedicated for various applications : pumping system and household system

The development of wind energy receives a growing attention from research and development in most of the countries of the world mainly in the industrialized ones.

Let us recall that during the last decade Algeria began to be seriously interested in this sector and considers it as a promising field.

Indeed, in the field of wind energy, Algeria has an interesting wind potential in particular in certain zones which could be very captivating and especially those in sites termed as isolated sites.

Furthermore in most of the cases these sites are far located, which constitutes a heavy financial burden from the point of view of electricity power transport.

So, several Algerian bodies make considerable efforts to bring effective solutions which will allow to satisfy the needs for the inhabitants of these locations and to exploit the wind resources in sites presenting viable potentials to contribute to the production of wind energy.

In our project, we suggest to contribute to find effective solutions for the case of the isolated sites as well as for those located far from electricity networks. So, our project consists in planning autonomous systems of production which can supply electrical energy from wind, mechanical or electric power systems.

These systems are often equipped with a device which stores the energy to restore it when the conditions of wind are unfavorable.

So, the applications in which we are interested are : hybrid systems (wind – Diesel – storage) for electricity production to feed home loads and the wind pumping systems.

This project consists of the design, sizing and realization of an autonomous system of electric energy production to supply an electric load as well as a water pumping system situated on the site of Bouzareah and having a suitable wind potential for such an application.

For that purpose, the chosen site has a suitable wind potential and is able to satisfy the estimated energy demand.

The site selection and the predictive study of the configuration of the adequate system will be performed and consequently the size of each of the constituting elements will be determined.

Note that we acquired all the equipment to be installed on the selected site and realized or bought a part of it.

Finally, experimental tests on the selected system will be performed to allow, on one hand, adjusting and correcting the defects that could exist in the system and, on the other hand, confirm our forecasts on the feasibility of the system, which enables possible commitments in other projects.

2014 - 2016

36 months

Team leader(*):
Mohammed Semmar (CR)

E-Mail (*):

Saheb Djohra (MRA), Souad Rafa (MRB), Ahmed Rennane (AR), Arezki Aikem (Ing.C), Ali Benachour (Ing.E), Sofiane Kerri (Ing.E) and Abdelaziz Toumi (Ing.E)

Key words:
Wind generators, autonomous, modelling, command, management, optimisation, supervision, connection, pumping, household load.

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