Project: Technical- economic study of the production of hydrogen using solar concentration.
The hydrogen is anticipated as the energy vector of future. However, it exists on earth practically only in association with other elements such as oxygen in water or carbon in hydrocarbons. It is thus necessary to produce of hydrogen. The production of hydrogen requires three axes, worth knowing the raw material the process of production and the necessary source of energy for the process.
In the present work, we limit ourselves to the case of the production of hydrogen that assures sustainable production ; namely its production by using renewable energies, more particularly the solar energy. The process under consideration is the electrolysis of water atigh-temperature. In this case, the raw amterial is water which will be devided into oxygen and hydrogen. The energy source in our case will be the solar power which will provide the necessary energy for electrolysis at very high temperature.
Our objective is to study the potential of production of solar hydrogen at high temperature. Our aim is double : in one side, from different models of subset of a system of production of solar hydrogen, the solar potential is already evaluated. The needed energy for the system is supplied by using CPV and/or CSP.
Different technologies will be considered. Finally, a technico-economic study is led to determine the reliability of the system of production.
December 2013
03 years
Team leader(*):
R. Boudries (MRA)
E-Mail (*):
A. Khellaf (DR), Z. Merdaoui (AR), N. Kabbouche (AR), A. Menaa (AR), F. Meziane (AR)
Key words:
Solar hydrogen, potential of production, solar concentration, technico-economic study, electrolysis.