Home > R&D > R&D Structures > Bioenergy & Environment Division > Team: Bioenergy resources and algae valorization (RBVA) team > Project: Development of photobioreactors for microalgaes cultivation: bioenergy conversion

Project: Development of photobioreactors for microalgaes cultivation: bioenergy conversion

The project concerns essentially the follow-up and the control of the growth of the photosynthetic microorganisms capable to produce some renewable energy in closed and\or open photobioreactors, working in continuous and\or discontinous mode under artificial and solar irradiations. 
For that purpose, the project team will have to characterize the autochton algal strain producing biofuel and\or the high-value-added products. Also, to develop adequate photobioreactors and optimize the growth parameters and biomass production. 
However, the microalgae growth will be perfomed at first place in laboratory-scale photoreactors (air-lift, toric, etc.) before extrapolation to semi-pilot scale.


  • Study and design of photobioreactors intended to follow-up and master the microalgaes cultivation,
  • Optimization of growth parameters of microalgae strains and the production of biomass.


36 months

Team leader(*):

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Amel OUNNAR, Majda Amina AZIZA, Fayrouz KAIDI, Lamia BENHABYLES

Key words:
microalgae, photobioreactor, growth, culture, biofuel.

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