« Renewable Energy » Thematic workshop report
Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Directorate-General of Scientific Research and Technological Development
Intersectoral Comission « Raw Material and Energy »
Report of the thermatic workshop No. 2 « Renewable Energy », UDES/CDER, Bousmail, 27 and 28 July 2015
On July 27th and 28th of the year two thousand fifteen is kept in the Unit for the Development of Solar Equipment ( UDES) affiliated to the Center of Development of the Renewable energy ( CDER) in Bousmail (Tipaza District), the second thematic workshop concerning "Renewable energy" chaired by Abdelbaki BENZIANE, President of the ISC " Raw materials and Energy ". This workshop joins within the programming of the thematic workshops of the ISC " MPE " and includes as well the representatives of the socioeconomic sectors in connection with the renewable energy issue as university experts and specialized researchers in the domain.
The master word of the day was the identification and the census of needs and issues bounded to renewable enrgy expressed by the actors of the sectors and eventually identify obstacles.
After the welcoming speech of the Director of the CDER Sir Professor Noureddine YASSAA, The President of the Intersectorial Committee " Raw materials and Energy " Mister Abdelbaki BENZIANE intervened to welcome the participants and thanked the Managing director of the Scientific research and the Technological Development which was kind enough to preside over the opening of the works of this thematic workshop. The President of the ISC " MPE " presented through a speech the content of which is hereinafter: the objectives of the ISC " MPE ", its work plan adopted in December 22nd, 2014 and the forecasted results.
I. Presentation of the ISC and its strategic objectives:
The Intersectoral Commission ISC « MPE » along with the other 10 ISCs, has been installed the 06th November 201-# This ISC is within the action plan of the government 2015-2019 for the implementation of the programme of the President of the Republic who kept a number of actions linked to energy through an effort to made in matter of exploitation of new sources of energy.
The strategic axes of this five years plan are as following :
Production of renewable electricity
impleminting a new energy vector : hydrogen.
Master domestic energy consumption.
The final objective of the ISC is the production of valuable actions coming from research projects.
To face this action plan, the ISC « MPE » organized many meetings :
1) The first meeting of the 22nd December 2014 at the headquarter of the DGRSDT was about the adoption of a new internal regulation, the adoption of a road map for the ISC « MPE ». From this approach, a new programme has been proposed by the ISC and is on 05 NRP :
a. Exploration, exploitation and valuation of raw materials;
b. Industrial technologies and their applications;
c. Nuclear energy and techniques;
d. Renewable energy ;
e. Conventional and non-conventional hydrocarbons.
2) The second meeting of the 02nd February 2015 at the headquarter of the DGRSDT was about identifying and programming thematic workshops. The priority was given to the workshop on conventional and non-conventional hydrocarbons. It is scheduled and organized the 26th and 27th May at the Center for Welding and Control in Algiers.
3) The third meeting of the 08th April 2015 at the headquarter of the DGRSDT provided a better understanding of the workshop basing on documents provided by the representative of the Ministry of Energy, define ministries and experts to invite : Ministry of Higehr Education and Scientific Research, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Industry and Mines, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Land Planning and Environment.
4) During the thematic workshp No. 01 on « Conventional and non-conventional hydrocarbons » the 26th and 27th May 2015 at the research center CSC in Algiers, it has been decided to set a date for the next priotary worshop that concerns renewable energy programmed at first time for the 21st and 22nd July 2015 and that has been delayed till this last date.
II. Objective of this workshop:
The objective of this workshop is to identify socioeconomic needs and problems linked to renewable energy expressed by octors of the sectors and to translate them into research actions and to take them in charge in concertation with the sector of scientific research. This meeting will also put in synergy the R&D national potentialities of the sectors dealing with raw materials and energy.
For intersoctoral issues on renewable energy in Algeria, it is important to postpoint problems that need the implication of actors from different sectors (intersectoral, transversal…) in order to differenciate them from sectoral research which calls the involvment of only actors from the same sector.
III. Guest list :
In addition of academic experts and researchers, we retained 12 concerned ministries with this issue, which are :
- Ministry of Energy
- Ministry of Industry and Mines
- Ministry of Transport
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Public Works
- Ministry of Postal and ICT
- Ministry of Housing and Town
- Ministry of National Defense
- Ministry of Water Resources
- Ministry of Fishing and Aquaculture
- Ministry of Health.
IV. Conduct of works:
The organisation of the works of this workshop is on one and half a day. Before engaging discussions, and collecting propositions, it was important to :
1) Presentation, by the General Director of teh DGRSDT, os the shape of the new five years law on scientific research and technological development through the typology of actions of research and the priority is as following :
a. Research actions type 1 « Multisectoral » : are research actions proposed into national call for tenders for reserach projects sellected by scientific councils of bodies in charge of conducting the national programmes for research and agreeed by the intersectoral comissions for programming, coordinating and promoting. These projects must respond to the intersoctoral issue, as meant by the national programmes for research.
b. Research actions type 2 « sectoral » : are research actions proposed within the national call for tenders for research projects and agreed by the sectoral permanent committee.
c. Research actions type 3 « body » : are research actions launched by bodies as an initiator and the pricipal actor.
2) Presentation of the previous NRP assessment on « Renewable energy » by Miss GUERRI, Research Director at CDER AND COORDINATOR OF PREVIOUS Nrp Projects on « Renewable energy » in collaboration with Mr. Aissa MEFDJEKH of DGRSDT. This action aims to gether what has been already done in the field of renewable energy, identify what remains to do, identify points of strength, of weakness and obstacles for a better building of the futur programmes.
3) Presentation, by Professor Noureddine YASSAA, Director of the Renewable Energy Development Center « CDER », of the renewable energy issue in Algeria throughout different actions engaged with socioeconomic partners. This presentation non exhaustive was a base of working to feed discussions and collect propositions from socioeconomic sectors.
4) Finally, with the range of participants from socioeconomic sectors and experts, it is about identifying and set problems of renewable energy : identify needs and barriers.
Three working documents provided for participants, a scoping note for the organization of the thematic workshop No. 02 on renewable energy, the report on the results of the previous NRPs on renewable energy and a file of the Director of CDER prociding the different problems of renewable energy previously discussed with representatives of socioeconomic sectors and serving as a base for work for this workshop.
After the intervening of the Chairman of ISC « MPE », the word was given to the General Director of Scientific Research and Technological Development Professor Hafid AOURAG to chair the opening of works. Some points were provided concerning the new law on scientific research and technological development which is currently debated in the National Popular Assembly and all new in it. The DGRSDT gave some advices to all participants about the handling of the renewable energy issue by focusing on the following parameters : Research ; Development ; Innovation and giving more importance to valuation which is an essential dimension to develop research in Algeria.
To capitalize the experience of previous NRPs on renewable energy, Sir Aïssa MFEDJEKH from DGRSDT presented an assessment of led actions and reached results of teh work driven with Miss GUERRI from CDER. This assessment served as a base for work to identify the new issues of renewable energy getting the inspiration from what is has been previously done to avoid obstacles meet in order to not fill them again.
Finally, Mr MFEDJEKH insisted on the fact that each workshop must point the head issues on the field and try to target the socioeconomic needs of R&D and the barriers : determine strategic and scientific objectives ; identify the concerned bodies and structures ; elaborate a consolidated report. From the conclusions of the workshop, DGRSDT in collaboration with ISC « MPE » will define the strategic objectives for the axis energy which will be enacted through an executive decree. Then will be, settlment of an NRP committee composed of specialists of the field to identify areas, axes and themes ; and to launch a call for proposition by the Thematic Research Agencies.
The president of the comission has then gave the word to Mr Noureddine YASSAA, Director of CDER, who from the experience of his center and his permanent contacts with the socioeconomic sectors working in renewable energy, presented the hot renewable energy issues in Algeria. This presentation served as a base of work for all participants to this workshop. Through his presentation, 11 issues concerning renewable energy has been pointed :
- Renewable Energy Deposit,
- Solar and Photovoltaic Energy,
- Wind Energy,
- Solar Thermal Energy,
- Energy efficiency in building,
- Geothermal Energy,
- Energy storage,
- Hydrogen and fuel cells,
- Bioenergy,
- Renewable enrgy, environment and climate change,
- Economy of Renewable Energy.
The third intervention took place the second day of the workshop and was made by Mister Djamel MEBARKI, Director of the company FMER SARL, research firm, council, production and services in renewable energy and the photovoltaic in particular. The presentation entitled " Clean energies in the service of the agriculture and the Development of activities in rural area ". This presentation which is an experience feedback of a family private enterprise returns on the challenges, the needs and the constraints met in the domain and from their resolution by solar energy, mainly by photovoltaic.
Further to the presentations, the debates in workshop were organized and rich and allowed all the participants (representatives of the socioeconomic sectors and researchers) to intervene in a transparent, friendly and serene environment. 200 interventions on the day and half with a number of 76 participants to this workshop was registered. The representatives of the socioeconomic sectors lifted clearly their concerns and requested the researchers for their translation in actions of research and it thanks to a work of continuous collaboration and link between the various sectors with that of Scientific research.
These intense debates allowed to identify 17 problems concerning renewable energy in an intersectorial vision. These problems are going to allow the ISC " MPE " in association with Ministries concerned to define the strategy to be adopted in the field of energy. It emerges from the synthesis of the thematic workshop on renewable energy the following domains translated into axes and into themes synthesizing the concerns of the socioeconomic sectors developed during this workshop.
- Instrumentation and Radiometric measurments,
- Potential assessment (Solar, wind Onshore and Offshore, geothermal, biomass, hydraulic, other renewable sources),
- Mapping of deposits (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydaulic, other sources) using ground data and satellite imagery,
- Modelling and forecast of renewable energy resources (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, other sources),
- Qualification of sites with high potential and eligible for implementing renewable energy plants,
- Feasability study of facilities for the exploitation of renewable enrgy,
- Satellite imagery,
- Impact of the increasing of temperature on solar deposit,
- Choice and study of behavior of varied technologies in different environments.
Target 1 : Cells, modules and PV generators
- Technological procceds for the manufacturing of solar cells and modules,
- Charaterizing of cell/module and PV generator,
- Adaptation of PV technology to desert conditions. Observation to be noted at the time of the exploitation of these concerns: theme 3 is redundant with theme 10 of the FIELD 1.
Target 2 : PV systems and applications
- PV pumping,
- Solar PV cooling and air conditioning,
- Cathodic protection,
- Telecommunication relay feeding,
- Autonomous PV systems,
- Monitoring, and maintenance of PV systems,
- Energy feeding of solar ventilation systems(turbines fed with PBV pannels),
- Street lightening,
- Security of installations.
Target 3 : Conversion, management and control of PV systems
- Static convertors for autonomous PV systems or connected the the grid,
- Device to regulate and con trol storage systems.
Comment: It is recommended to redraft theme 1.
Target 4 : Integration of PV plants to the grid
- Study and analysis of performances of photovoltaic systems connected to the network,
- Impact of the integration of photovoltaic in networks,
- Monitoring and supervision of photovoltaic systems connected to the network,
- Integration of photovoltaic micro-networks in electricity networks.
Target 1 : Wind turbines
- Aerodynamics of wind turbines,
- Aeroacoustics of wind turbines, control of the flows the fluid interaction structures,
- Trail of wind turbines,
- Conception and manufacturing of wind turbines,
- Adaptation of wind turbines to local conditions (effect of the temperature, effects of the sand).
Target 2 : Wind farms
- Arrangements of wind farms,
- Impact of wind turbines on the environment,
- Control of wind farms ( aerodynamic aspects),
- Anemometry in the nacelle,
- Optimization of the integration of wind farms in the grid,
- Impact of wind turbines on the grid.
Target 3 : Application of small wind turbine
- Water pumping,
- Remoted areas supply,
- House supply,
- Telecommunication relays supply,
- Other applications,
Target 4 : Control of wind systems
- Control of high power wind turbines,
- Control of small wind turbines,
- Static power convertor,
- Diagnosis and localization of defects in wind systems.
Target 1 : Thermodynamic plants with solar concentration
- Engineering for the conception and the realization: thermal Receivers, mirrors and solar reflectors, Engineering for the conception and the realization of components of power plants with solar concentration,
- Power plants with solar concentration: transfer of heat, thermal and thermochemical storage of energy, Production of heat and cold with solar energy for industrial processes, Electricity production.
Target 2 : Solar thermal air conditioning and cooling
- Residential and collective housing,
- Tertiary buildings,
- Cooled transport, How: further to the proposals, it is recommended to take care of the redundancy of theme 1 and 2 with the following FIELD (FIELD N 5)..
Target 3 : Low temperatures systems and thermal applications
- Engineering for the conception and the realization of: hybrid Solar photovoltaic / thermal cells , solar Hairdryers of food products, medicinal…
Target 1 : Traditional and modern concepts, techniques and practices
- Optimization of energy consumption, comfort and energy resources,
- Integration of active solar systems for heating and refreshment of the housing,
- Tools of monitoring and digital assistant to architectural design,
- Strategies of passive and active control of the constructions multizones,
- Passive and active solar housing,
- Intelligent town planning and intelligent cities.
Target 2 : Integration of energy systems in building
- Optimization of performances of PV and thermal systems integrated into buildings,
- Study of the electric and thermal phenomena engendered by the integration of solar panels in building,
- Buildings with positive energy,
- Choice of technology,
- Digital tools for architectural design.
Target 1 : Concepts et techniques d’exploitation et applications géothermiques
- Heating of the agricultural greenhouses, the drying, etc.
- Heating and air conditioning of premises(places),
- Geothermal power plants (feasibility study, sizing, etc.),
Target 2 : Management and environmental impacts
- Hydrobalneology and geothermal resources management,
- Overexploitation of the geothermal sources and the impact on environment.
- Electrochemical storage (cells, batteries, vector hydrogen,...),
- Elctromagnetic storage(superconductive coil, super capacitor),
- Macanical storage (Compressed air storage, flywheel masses,....),
- Thermal storage (latent znd sensible heat),
- Multi-storage.
Target 1 : Hydrogen
- Production processes by renewable way
- Production processes by other ways,
- Mix hydrogen / conventional fuel oil,
- Stationary applications of hydrogen,
- Mobile applications of hydrogen,
- Techniques and technologies of storage,
- Security and regulation in the economy of hydrogen,
- Codes and standards in the economy of hydrogen.
Target 2 : Fuel cells
- Fuel cell modelling and simulation,
- Technologies of fuel cells,
- Fuel cell and mobile applications,
- Fuel cell and stationary applications,
- Fuel cell: safety, codes and standards.
Target 1 : Bioenergy: raw materials, evaluation and exploitation
- Technologies for the production of bioenergy,
- Analysis of the die sustainability (raw materials, process,...),
- Choice of raw materials in adequation with the local environment.
Target 2 : Treatment and energy valuation of wastes
- Biogas production,
- Biogas valuation,
- Heat,
- Electricity,
- Fuel,
- Biogas purification,
- Sécurity of used processes,
- Environmental impacts,
- Valuation of by-products coming from the production of biogas,
- Use of renewable energy in processes linked to the exploitation of bioenergy (Extraction, distillation....).
Target 1 : Climate change
- Marché carbone,
- Capacité d’atténuation des gaz à effet de serre à travers les EnR,
- Impact de la pollution atmosphérique sur la génération d’électricité et de chaleur d’origine renouvelable,
- Impact de la pollution de l’air sur le bilan radiatif.
Comment: Targets and themes to be redefined after completing the national plan for climate
Target 2 : Water-energy
- Treatment of industrial used water with solar energy,
- Urban used water purification as well as those from food industry with soalr energy,
- Desalination of brackish waters and sea by various processes working with renewable energy,
- Power production stemming from urban and industrial rejections.
Observations : Targets and themes to check and/or to redefine. It is recommended to reformulate water – energy in nexus water – energy.
Target 1 : To define in accordance with raised preoccupations across themes
- Pricing for the renewable energies (case of CSP and biomass),
- Financing mechanisms of and incentive measures,
- Decision-making tools ( economic Models),
- Evaluation of the costs of the autonomous installations,
- Technico-economic studies of renewable energy installations ,
- Renewable energies and national integration,
- Promotion and regulations of renewable energy equipments , Energy policy and energy market studies, Impacts of financial incentives for manufacturers and users of solar equipments,
- Economic analysis of the renewable energy sectors,
- Water Management and the rationalization of its exploitation.
Comment: it is recommended to reformulate theme 9 above.
Target 2 : Management and regulation
- Models, management strategies and decision-making,
- Standards of heritage protection,
- Comparative analysis of the specified cases,
- Social policy and economic viability,
- Standards and regulation in matter of energy efficiency in building.
Target 3 : Regulatory framework
- Recommendation for the regulatory framework for connecting the photovoltaic to the grid,
- Normalization - certification.
Considering the numerous barriers existing or during the realization.
Comment: it is recommended to develop this field through targets and themes to define. Otherwise, integrating this field into fields hereinabove named.
- Master operation processes. Observations : Targets and research themes to define to develop this field.
Field proposed by the CREG. We are waiting for propositions from this body.
- Study of the different types of hybrid systems.
- Hybridization of the conventional power plants in isolated networks,
- Hybrid systems connected to the netwrok,
- Control and energy management in hybrid systems,
- Development of sizing and optimization softwares for hybrid systems,
- Other applications for hybrid systems.
Observations : It is recommended to move theme 3 to maintenance and exploitation. It is recommended to reformulate theme 6 above into target. Finally, it is recommended to reorganize this field into targets.
Target 1 : PV materials
- Photovoltaic materials ( Matériaux photovoltaïques (carbon group, cristalline die and thin layer of classic and newer materials,...),
- Raw materials for the production of PV celles (sillicon,...),
- Solar materials recovery.
Target 2 : Wind materials
- Composite materials intended for the manufacturing of blades,
- Magnetic materials.
Target 3 : Thermal materials
- Innovative materials for solar collectors with fluids and air flow,
- Innovative and intelligent materials (masonry, insulating) and the traditional know-how.
Target 4 : Hydrogen and fuel cells materials
- Materials for fuel cell,
Target 5 : storage materials
- Materials for the storage of hydrogen,
- Thermal storage materials:
- Electrochemical batteries recovery,
- Electrochemical storage materials,
- Phase change materials (PCM coating,...). Comment: It is recommended to reorganize the targets according to themes named for more coherence.
- Diagnosis and localization of the defects in renewable energy power plants,
- Strategies and systems of control and intelligent management of energy in renewable energy systems,
- Reliability of renewable energy systems,
- Exploitation of wind or solar farms and degradation of their performances,
- Maintenance (frequency of maintenance of PV panels,,
- Innovative systems of maintenance of renewable energy power plants,
- Real time follow-up of the functioning of renewable energy power plants,
- Security of renewable energy farms.
Target 1 : Impact and analysis
- Modeling and sizing of renewable energy installations,
- Connection study and impact of renewable energy power plants (impact on insulated network or interconnected),
- Production of renewable connected to the network management.
Target 2 : Development of tools for calculation and analysis (Smart grids,...)
- Calculation and modeling of power plants sizing tools,
- Calculation of the integration of power plants to network tools,
- Real time production of renewable energy power plants forecasting tools,
- Renewable energy power plants management tools in the dispatching,
- Renewable energy production planning tools.
Target 3 : Requirements to connect renewable energy plants to transport and districution grid
Comment: It is recommended to develop this target with themes.
The workshop on renewable energy proposed to draw a field on Cooling and Air Conditioning as responding to an urgent of the socioeconomic sectors. It is recommended aldo to provide an additional field that concerns intelligent urbanism and intelligent city.
At the end of this workshop on renewable energy, some recommendations were sellected and that concern :
A need of training in the field of renewable eenrgy.
A need to legal internship for students in renewable energy.
A need to training in Human Resources.
A need to training in Project Management (Project management) and on technology watch.
In Renewable Energy: development of a database that consolidate information proper to Algeria (experienced on Algerian field) for a practical implementation of research.
Implementation of an incentive device for companies wishing to invest in this field.
Finally, it is recommended to representatives of socioeconomic sectors to express their concerns as clear as possible for the best support by researchers.
In conclusion, the President of the ISC « MPE » informed the participants that a report will be provided and it returns to them to complete or reformulate some concerns of sectors and thus for a better supporting by specialized researchers in renewable energy. The whole thing must be adressed to the ISC.
The thematic workshop ended the 28th July 2015 at 12 hours as scheduled.
The President of the ISC "MPE", A. BENZIANE,
The Rapporteurs : Ouahiba GUERRI AND Lineda KENOUCHE
In the same section
Sunday, November 15th, 2015
The Applied Research on Renewable Energies Unit (URAER) of Ghardaïa organized on October 12th to 15th, 2014, the 3rd edition of the international seminar on new and renewable energies.