ComPERe-Averroes : Compétence Projets Européens-Réseau Averroes
The project COMpétence Projets Européens REseau Averroes that the acronyme COMPERE-Averroes is a sturtural regional project which targets national priorities and the regional priority of developping international relationships of the 3 countries of North Africa, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia. It involves in each target country, 4 universities & research bodies, ministries of higehr education as well as 6 European partners from 4 different countries (Spain, France, Italy, Ireland).
The general objective of the project is to transfer necessary competences to universities & research bodies of the region to enable them to be more present, as coordinators or partners, whitin the European projects for cooperation and research across the period 2014-2016 (Erasmus + and H2020).
The operational objectives of the project is to develop in 12 demonstration sites in target countries, necessary capacities & competences to assure the structure, management & projects monitoring, by applying quality standards, European administrative & accounting laws. These demonstration sites, evaluated and certified, will be trained for competences intelligence & transfer for the other sites bodies of the region. Europe aims to a stronger integration in neighbouring countries of higher education & research by 2020, but needed technicity in structure and European projects management remains weak in most hagher education and research bodies in these countries, especially in Maghreb. This project will show that these competences are transferable, from North to South, by relying on an experienced European partnership, and then from South to South, bu enabling pilote universities to transfer acquired competences, to the other organisms of the region. A space for distance learning will bring support for classroom trainings & will watch for free and for all universities of the region for any call for projects, tutorials & methodological guidelines about structure and projects management.
The project COMPERE-Averroès is based on a consortium of 15 institutions partners (Universities and research bodies, in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia, and 3 ministries) and 6 European universities (Spain, France, Italy, Ireland). It is driven by the University of Montpellier and labellized by the Euro-Mediteranean network AVERROES.
Algeria participates to this project through 05 demonstration sites, the geographical localisation of which is choosed to optimise the impact of the project & the regional dissemination of results : University of the Mentouri brothers of Constantine, university Aboubakr Belkaid of Tlemcen, university Kasdi Merbah of Ouargla, the National Polytechnique School of Algiers and the Renewable Energy Development Centre.
The project COMPERE-Averroès understands the development of the following activities (workcpackage) :
WP.1 Project and partnership management
WP.2 Referential investigation studies and training plan
WP.3 Structure training & project management
WP.4 Competence transfer
WP.5 Communication and results dissemination
WP.6 Quality management
CDER’s contribution
The CDER particpates into the project COMPERE-Averroès with the following tasks :
Organise seminar to present repository & the training plan Set a cell for European projects
Organise an information session for accounting agent and finance managers
Organise internal seminars on Competences Transfer for projects structure and management
Realise a communication & dissemination plan for the results of the project
Capitalise the experience of the trained persons and propose them as experts to help project holder of the other bodies
Contribute to transfer to other establishments of the country, the experience and the expertise in cooperation project structure
Reinforcer Calls for Proposals Intelligence
Expected results
At the end of the project, the expected results are:
Certified experts, relevant, recognized, valuated for their experience in their universities and their countries.
Pilote centers trained & able to structure and manage European projects for cooperation and research
Pilote centers acting as « experts » and able to transfer their competences and to put their expertise in the service of universities & organisms of research in their region
A plan for intelligence in each country on calls for projects fed by pilote centres
A «craft » competences repository for the structure and European project management, which could later serve as a base for future Master training, basing on Master European Model.
Validated training tools of the future experts, available on line reusable & transferable by the other organisations of the country.
A large training within all concerned higher education and research bodies in each country to make the expertise sharing gaining ground.
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