Workshop on Renewable Energy and energy transition in Algeria
The Renewable Energy Development Center in collaboration with the Dutch Energy Research Center (ECN) organizes a Workshop on Renewable Energy and energy transition in Algeria, Wednesday April 29th, 2015 at the Solar Equipmenet Development Unit (Bousmail, Tipaza) affiliated to the Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER).
This meeting will provide a debate on the issue of the energy transition in Algeria with Algerian and Dutch experts.
Scheduled for this day, conferences on the following questions :
The rôle of the CDER into the Algerian program for renewable energy, presented by the Dierctor of the CDER.
The New Renewable Energy Program, CREG, Energy Department.
TH regulatory framework of the National Program for Renewable Energy, CREDEG/Sonelgaz.
Program of realizing renewable energy projects, SKTM/Sonelgaz.
The National Program on Energy Efficiency, APRUE, Energy Department.
Condor Group activities within renewable energy.
Low energy consumption lighting, presented by PHILIPS Lighting Algeria.
Perspective of collaboration between Algeria and Netherlands in the domaine of renewable energy, ECN, Netherlands.
This event benefits from the participation of Algerian and Dutch researchers and experts as well as economic operators acting in renewable energy and institutions from the Energy Department in charge of the Renewable Energy Program and its implementation.
In the same section
« the implication of economic actors for the production and the trade of electricity from wind and photovoltaic energy ».
Prof. Noureddine Yassaa, Director of CDER, member of the Algerian delegation in international negotiations on climate change under the UNFCCC Convention