Establishment of a new Management Board
Year two thousand fifteen and the twelveth of Fabruary at 9h30 met in an ordinary session the Board of Directors of the Renewable Energeis Development Center (CDER) at the Head Office of the EPST CDER in Bouzareah when convened by its chairman, to deliberate the following agenda :
1. Presentation of the new memebers of the Administration Council of the CDER.
2. Read the report of the external Auditor and the 2013 balance sheet ;
3. Examination of scientific balance sheet of the CDER for year 2014
4. Presentation and adoption of the 2015 action plan
5. Presentation and adoption of the estimated budget of 2015
6. Diverse
Decree number 1140 of November 23, 2014 fixes the list of names of the members of the board of directors of the Renewable Energies Development Center (CDER) :
M. KAMLIEl Hadj, Higher Education and Scientific Research Minister’s representative , Chairman;
M. KACED Hacene, General Directorate for Scientific Research and Technological Development representative ;
M. MESSAOUDI Abdellah, Minister in charge of Finance representative;
M. BENSALEM Merouane, représentant du Ministre de la Défense Nationale ;
Mme. BOUZID Chahrazed, Minister of National Defence representative ;
M. SEGHIRI Brahim, Minister in charge of Spatial Development, territory, Environment and Tourism representative;
Mme. KORICHI Malika Fadhéla, Minister in charge of Agriculture and Rural Development representative;
On Higher Education Institution’s behalf :
M. LATRECHEMohamed El Hadi ;
On figures representing businesses lines’ behalf:
M. ARIF Mourad ;
On Researchers Staff’s behalf:
M. ABBAS Mohamed ;
M. DJAAFRI Mohamed ;
On research support staff’s behalf:
M. DEHAMENadjib ;
Other members:
M. YASSAANoureddine, Director of the EPST C.D.E.R ;
M. MALEK Ali, Scientific Council Chairmain ;
M. BOUZIDIBelkacem, Unit Director ;
M. HAMOUDA Messaoud, Unit Director ;
M. DJAFFER Djelloul, Unit Director ;