Visit of a Swedish delegation to the UDES, CDER, Bou-Ismail
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research aroganized in October 13th and 14th, 2014 an Algerian-Swedish seminar. This seminar gathered representatives and projects holders from Algerian instututions with the Swedish counterparts. CDER in his role as a project holder on the creation of a platform of renewable energy training took part in this meeting.
The first day was dedicated to the presentattion of the ERASMUS+ programmes and Linnaeus-Palme, and the higher education system of the particpating countries which are : Algeria, Sweden, Tunisia and Norway. On another part, the day aimed to set a network of participant of the two countries.
Taking this opprotunity, the CDER representatives established contacts with Swedish representatives came to prospect on the potential of renewable energies partnership in Algeria. This was realized during the second day of the visit of a Swedish delegation to the unit Bou Ismail CDER, the Solar Equipment Developemnt Unit UDES to deepen discussions on partnership opportunities between the two parties .
During this visit a brief presentation on the CDER scientific activities and research projects was given. The members of the delegation visited different test benches from the R & D works at the Centre, prior to a meeting on partnership opportunities.
Participants in this meeting issued the recommendation to install an Algerian-Swedish platform for exchange and communication in order to build bridges of training and transfer of experience by organizing training courses for the benefit of Algerian students and supervisors.
In the same section
Sunday, November 15th, 2015
The Applied Research on Renewable Energies Unit (URAER) of Ghardaïa organized on October 12th to 15th, 2014, the 3rd edition of the international seminar on new and renewable energies.