Home > COOPERATION > International > ChArMEx Program(MISTRALS)


The Mediterranean basin mobilize more than ever the international research.the Mediterranean region is indeed considered as the most sensitive region in the world to the climate changes. Scientists expect climate radical changes. That’s why today’s scientists rush to the bedside of the Mediterranean atmosphere and why they set up the large measurement campaign CHARMEX, the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean experiment or Mediterranean experience on Chemistry and atmospheric aerosols. CHARMEX is a program with the aim to develop a current balance and anticipate the future evolution of the atmospheric environment of the Mediterranean basin and its impact on regional climate, air quality and marine organic geochemistry and mainland. The program focuses on the cycle of tropospheric short-lived species and their impacts on regional climate, air quality and marine ecosystems.

This unprecedented initiative to track the health of the atmosphere in the Western Mediterranean through a network of fifteen stations ground measurements properly positioned. Monitoring of pollution in soil supplemented by airborne measurements with balloon releases. Preparing CHARMEX began in 2007, the operational phase has started, effectively in 2011 and Algeria was present since the start of this program.

CHARMEX part of international meta-program research and interdisciplinary and systematic observations, MISTRALS, dedicated to understanding the environmental functioning of the Mediterranean basin under the pressure of global change to predict future developments.

MISTRALS mission is to transform the objectives and outcomes research concepts and data available to decision makers, local actors and managers to identify national and transnational needs and requirements and to respond to societal, environmental and economic challenges for sustainable development countries and populations sharing the Mediterranean area.

MISTRALS innovative vision is to integrate scientific analyzes of the geophysical system consisting of the Mediterranean area with societal needs in an ongoing effort to optimize communication between complementary backgrounds and levels of decision researchers. Thus, MISTRALS is currently organized around thematic programs including 8 international CHARMEX:

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